Weather 16 Days

by Sudeep Khokhar



Next 16 days weather forecast in a very simple and detailed way.

This app provides the weather forecast of next 16 days for any city in the world. Weather information can be searched by adding city or by your current location.You can add as many cities as you want. This app will display many weather parameters like :- Humidity- Clouds Percentage- PressureBesides this , Sunrise and Sunset information for each city is also available.• New UI• Functionality enhancements

Read trusted reviews from application customers

What good is this app if you don't allow us to change Celsius to Fahrenheit or provide settings for us to use on your app to make our experience with the app better.

Alex Estep

Only shows temperatures in Celsius.

Nikki Tate

good working keep it up.👍

Rakesh Verma


Afroz Ali

Works well 👍. The addition of the day of the week (ie. Mon...Sun) to the date would make it excellent.

Joe Persico

Can't change to farenheit, mph

Lamar Morris

yes, I like apo

Mukesh Barhate

Nice one

A Google user

lovely very usefull app

A Google user


A Google user